
Intellectual property rights

The protection of intellectual property’s intangible assets (trademarks / domain names / patents / software / know – how / design) is essential for every company and every project.

The protection of intangible assets is therefore crucial because, on the one hand, the European Union is extremely interested in enhancing the value of intellectual property rights (IPR) and therefore promote companies that present projects involving the exploitation of intangible assets, on the other hand, IPRs can be instrumental for any company and any initiative because, through their protection, assets are given an economic value with an obvious economic return on the investments made.

Castec therefore believes appropriate to offer its clients, in addition to advice on subsidized finance, a service for both extrajudicial and judicial assistance of intellectual property rights, using specialized professionals.

The legal protection of intangible assets is essential because the inventor or the owner of copyrights, patent or business strategies, or the holder of economic exploitation rights over them, can gain a real competitive advantage from creating something innovative under a monopoly.

The relevance of protecting and exploiting industrial property rights stems from a fundamental concept: competitiveness.

In Italy we can distinguish three different areas:

le intellectual works protected by copyright: literary and artistic works, music, television programs, software, databases, architectural drawings, advertising creations and multimedia products; in all these cases registration is not necessary although it is desirable as proof of date and ownership.

la industrial property:: invention patents, industrial designs, trademarks, new plant varieties and geographical indications;

le commercial strategies: industrial and trade secrets, know-how. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated by studies carried out by the EUIPO (European Office for registering trademarks/designs) that adequate protection of intellectual property rights can be both an element of attraction for private capital and a criterion of preference for public bodies or banks compared to other competing companies that do not protect their inventions/IPR.

Finally, adequate IPR protection is an important tool in the internationalization process.

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